Woodkeep Audio

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

C.S. Lewis

'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader' is the third book in The Chronicles of Narnia. Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, and their cousin Eustace Scrubb, return to Narnia to accompany King Caspian on a voyage in search of the seven lords who were banished when Caspian's evil uncle stole the throne. They encounter many wonders on this perilous journey on the ship Dawn Treader which takes them to the island of Galma, the pirate-infested Seven Isles, through seas inhabited by merpeople, and south toward the Lone Islands, Duffers Island and the Dark Island. 'Voyage of the Dawn Trader' is the only book in the Narnia series without a major villain. The book has been adapted for theatre, radio, TV and film.
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5 hours 17 minutes
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