Panoma Press

Empowerment in Health and Wellness

Gavin Andrews

PRACTICAL EMPOWERMENT NAVIGATE CHANGE AND UNCERTAINTY This book offers approaches from professionals working with the mind-body connection to reduce stress and anxiety, build motivation and enable individuals to understand and respond to their needs. You will discover the impact of three pillars of health and wellness: Awareness, Information and Learning. This provides you with the framework to deepen your professional knowledge, skills and confidence to support others in times of uncertainty and crisis. The methods and content outline the experiences that continually come from supporting cancer patients, carers and their families at the Fountain Centre, a UK charity working with the National Health Service ( CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS: Gavin Andrews, Jackie Arnold, Victoria Hamilton, Enrico Illuminati, Sue Jackson, Aga Kehinde, Ann Lewis, Silvia Mirandola, Andrew A Parsons, Fiona Stimson, Chris Ullman and Amanda White.
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